Browse Articles By Tag: home gas
Looking after your gas boiler can be very costly, but if you look after the boiler yourself, where it is safe to do so, then you can save a chunk of money. In this article we explain just what you can do to look after your gas boiler and save some money as well!
11.06.2015 · From Suzanne
Making positive changes to your home's energy efficiency.
28.06.2012 · From jwallace
The future of the UK's gas industry may be brighter than many critics feared.
07.03.2012 · From froy
Comparing the changing usage habits of electricity and gas consumers in Britain
07.02.2012 · From froy
Going green at home or in the workplace should start with making changes to your energy usage habits.
07.12.2011 · From froy
Prepayment meters have come under criticism by energy regulators, due to the often higher prices charged for domestic gas usage.
06.12.2011 · From froy
If you're thinking about changing your gas supplier, research is an important first step. Understanding what's involved in the switch and whether you will need any new connections will help you establ...
01.01.1970 · From cstarr